Warframe dual stat pistol mods
Warframe dual stat pistol mods

warframe dual stat pistol mods

In our experience, the answer to this question depends on what type of content you plan on doing. That means less energy consumption over the long run and it’s also more convenient having your abilities last for longer periods of time. Is trading duration for efficiency a good idea? The argument for duration is that you won’t need to activate your abilities as frequently. Fleeting ExpertiseĪ common debate for Mesa builds is whether or not to include Fleeting Expertise. But trust us, this is more than enough fire power to get the job done. We recommend you try out a high strength Mesa build and compare it to this if you’re uncertain. Our only goal is to increase ability strength high enough that Shatter Shield provides the maximum 95% damage reduction. Mesa kills extremely fast with Arcane Velocity and the damage scaling on increasing ability strength simply does not justify the mod slots. It may seem odd that we are only using one strength mod, but in our experience this is all you need. Shooting Gallery reduces the probability that a Bombard is able to get a shot off, effectively increasing Mesa’s survival rate. Mesa’s biggest problem is Bombards as their splash damage can kill her through Shatter Shield. This is because Shatter Shield’s 95% damage reduction isn’t always enough when facing level 100+ enemies. In high level content, however, Shooting Gallery’s CC is extremely useful for surviving. Some replacement options include Augur Message, Power Drift or Mesa’s Waltz depending on your preference. In lower level content, this crowd control effect is more likely to be annoying so consider replacing Augur Reach and Stretch. Range affects the distance that Shooting Gallery will stun and jam enemy guns. We actually recommend you go this route for any content that’s below level 100. Many Mesa builds opt to use Narrow Minded without any range mods, leaving Mesa with 34% range. One aspect of our build that’s different from most is the use of range mods. Energizing Dash is still key for keeping energy up so make sure you are using Zenurik Focus school. Energy management is relatively easy thanks to high duration which reduces the amount of times you’ll have to renew Shooting Gallery and Shattering Shield. Survival is not an issue until roughly level 100 Bombards enter the picture.

warframe dual stat pistol mods

At least one Arcane Velocity is an absolute must as it greatly increases the DPS of Mesa’s Regulators. The build above can both survive and clear enemies with ease.

Warframe dual stat pistol mods